All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractEnhancedDeserializationProxy AbstractSerialStateHolder AbstractSQL<T> Alias The annotation that specify alias name.AmbiguousMethodInvoker Arg The annotation that specify a mapping definition for the constructor argument.ArrayTypeHandler ArrayUtil Provides hashCode, equals and toString methods that can handle array.AutomapConstructor The marker annotation that indicate a constructor for automatic mapping.AutoMappingBehavior Specifies if and how MyBatis should automatically map columns to fields/properties.AutoMappingUnknownColumnBehavior Specify the behavior when detects an unknown column (or unknown property type) of automatic mapping target.BaseBuilder BaseExecutor BaseJdbcLogger Base class for proxies to do logging.BaseStatementHandler BaseTypeHandler<T> The baseTypeHandler
for references a generic type.BaseWrapper BatchExecutor BatchExecutorException This exception is thrown if ajava.sql.BatchUpdateException
is caught during the execution of any nested batch.BatchResult BeanWrapper BigDecimalTypeHandler BigIntegerTypeHandler BindingException BlobByteObjectArrayTypeHandler BlobInputStreamTypeHandler BlobTypeHandler BlockingCache Simple blocking decoratorBooleanTypeHandler BoundSql An actual SQL String got from anSqlSource
after having processed any dynamic content.BuilderException ByteArrayTypeHandler ByteObjectArrayTypeHandler ByteTypeHandler Cache SPI for cache providers.CacheBuilder CacheException CacheKey CacheNamespace The annotation that specify to use cache on namespace(e.g.CacheNamespaceRef The annotation that reference a cache.CacheRefResolver CachingExecutor CallableStatementHandler Case The annotation that conditional mapping definition forTypeDiscriminator
.CglibProxyFactory Deprecated. Since 3.5.10, use Javassist instead.CglibProxyFactory Deprecated. CharacterTypeHandler ChooseSqlNode ClassLoaderWrapper A class to wrap access to multiple class loaders making them work as oneClobReaderTypeHandler ClobTypeHandler CollectionWrapper Configuration Configuration.StrictMap<V> Configuration.StrictMap.Ambiguity ConnectionLogger Connection proxy to add logging.ConstructorArgs The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for constructor.Cursor<T> Cursor contract to handle fetching items lazily using an Iterator.DatabaseIdProvider Should return an id to identify the type of this database.DataSourceException DataSourceFactory DateOnlyTypeHandler DateTypeHandler DefaultCursor<T> This is the default implementation of a MyBatis Cursor.DefaultCursor.ObjectWrapperResultHandler<T> DefaultDatabaseIdProvider Deprecated. DefaultMapResultHandler<K,V> DefaultObjectFactory DefaultObjectWrapperFactory DefaultParameterHandler DefaultReflectorFactory DefaultResultContext<T> DefaultResultHandler DefaultResultSetHandler DefaultSqlSession The default implementation forSqlSession
.DefaultSqlSession.StrictMap<V> Deprecated. Since 3.5.5DefaultSqlSessionFactory DefaultVFS A default implementation ofVFS
that works for most application servers.Delete The annotation that specify an SQL for deleting record(s).Delete.List The container annotation forDelete
.DeleteProvider The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for deleting record(s).DeleteProvider.List The container annotation forDeleteProvider
.Discriminator Discriminator.Builder DoubleTypeHandler DynamicContext DynamicSqlSource EnumOrdinalTypeHandler<E extends Enum<E>> EnumTypeHandler<E extends Enum<E>> Environment Environment.Builder ErrorContext ExceptionFactory ExceptionUtil ExecutionPlaceholder Executor ExecutorException ExecutorType ExpressionEvaluator ExternalResources Deprecated. FetchType FifoCache FIFO (first in, first out) cache decorator.FloatTypeHandler Flush The maker annotation that invoke a flush statements via Mapper interface.ForEachSqlNode GenericTokenParser GetFieldInvoker IbatisException Deprecated. IfSqlNode IncompleteElementException InitializingObject Interface that indicate to provide an initialization method.Insert The annotation that specify an SQL for inserting record(s).Insert.List The container annotation forInsert
.InsertProvider The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for inserting record(s).InsertProvider.List The container annotation forInsertProvider
.InstantTypeHandler IntegerTypeHandler Interceptor InterceptorChain Intercepts The annotation that specify target methods to intercept.Invocation Invoker JakartaCommonsLoggingImpl JapaneseDateTypeHandler Type Handler forJapaneseDate
.JavassistProxyFactory JavassistProxyFactory Deprecated. JBoss6VFS AJBoss6VFS.VFS
implementation that works with the VFS API provided by JBoss 6.Jdbc3KeyGenerator JdbcTransaction Transaction
that makes use of the JDBC commit and rollback facilities directly.JdbcTransactionFactory CreatesJdbcTransaction
instances.JdbcType Jdk To check the existence of version dependent classes.Jdk14LoggingImpl JndiDataSourceFactory KeyGenerator Lang The annotation that specify aLanguageDriver
to use.LanguageDriver LanguageDriverRegistry LocalCacheScope LocalDateTimeTypeHandler LocalDateTypeHandler LocalTimeTypeHandler Log Log4j2AbstractLoggerImpl Log4j2Impl Log4j2LoggerImpl Log4jImpl Deprecated. Since 3.5.9 - See LogFactory LoggingCache LongTypeHandler LruCache Lru (least recently used) cache decorator.ManagedTransaction Transaction
that lets the container manage the full lifecycle of the transaction.ManagedTransactionFactory CreatesManagedTransaction
instances.Many The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving collections.MapKey The annotation that specify the property name(or column name) for a key value ofMap
.MappedJdbcTypes The annotation that specify jdbc types to mapTypeHandler
.MappedStatement MappedStatement.Builder MappedTypes The annotation that specify java types to mapTypeHandler
.Mapper Marker interface for MyBatis mappers.MapperAnnotationBuilder MapperBuilderAssistant MapperMethod MapperMethod.MethodSignature MapperMethod.ParamMap<V> MapperMethod.SqlCommand MapperProxy<T> MapperProxyFactory<T> MapperRegistry MapUtil MapWrapper MetaClass MetaObject MethodInvoker MethodResolver MixedSqlNode MonthTypeHandler NClobTypeHandler NoKeyGenerator NoLoggingImpl NStringTypeHandler Null NullCacheKey Deprecated. Since 3.5.3, This class never used and will be removed future version.ObjectFactory MyBatis uses an ObjectFactory to create all needed new Objects.ObjectTypeHandler ObjectWrapper ObjectWrapperFactory OffsetDateTimeTypeHandler OffsetTimeTypeHandler OgnlCache Caches OGNL parsed expressions.OgnlClassResolver Custom ognlClassResolver
which behaves same like ognl'sDefaultClassResolver
.One The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving single object.OptionalUtil Deprecated. Since 3.5.0, Will remove this class at future(next major version up).Options The annotation that specify options for customizing default behaviors.Options.FlushCachePolicy The options for theOptions.flushCache()
.Options.List The container annotation forOptions
.Param The annotation that specify the parameter name.ParameterExpression Inline parameter expression parser.ParameterHandler A parameter handler sets the parameters of thePreparedStatement
.ParameterMap ParameterMap.Builder ParameterMapping ParameterMapping.Builder ParameterMode ParamNameResolver ParamNameUtil ParsingException PerpetualCache PersistenceException Plugin PluginException PooledDataSource This is a simple, synchronous, thread-safe database connection pool.PooledDataSourceFactory PoolState PreparedStatementHandler PreparedStatementLogger PreparedStatement proxy to add logging.Property The annotation that inject a property value.PropertyCopier PropertyNamer PropertyParser PropertyTokenizer ProviderContext The context object for sql provider method.ProviderMethodResolver The interface that resolve an SQL provider method via an SQL provider class.ProviderSqlSource ProxyFactory RawLanguageDriver As of 3.2.4 the default XML language is able to identify static statements and create aRawSqlSource
.RawSqlSource Static SqlSource.ReflectionException Reflector This class represents a cached set of class definition information that allows for easy mapping between property names and getter/setter methods.ReflectorFactory ResolverUtil<T> ResolverUtil is used to locate classes that are available in the/a class path and meet arbitrary conditions.ResolverUtil.AnnotatedWith A Test that checks to see if each class is annotated with a specific annotation.ResolverUtil.IsA A Test that checks to see if each class is assignable to the provided class.ResolverUtil.Test A simple interface that specifies how to test classes to determine if they are to be included in the results produced by the ResolverUtil.Resources A class to simplify access to resources through the classloader.Result The annotation that specify a mapping definition for the property.ResultContext<T> ResultExtractor ResultFlag ResultHandler<T> ResultLoader ResultLoaderMap ResultLoaderMap.LoadPair Property which was not loaded yet.ResultMap The annotation that specify result map names to use.ResultMap ResultMap.Builder ResultMapException ResultMapping ResultMapping.Builder ResultMapResolver Results The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for property.ResultSetHandler ResultSetLogger ResultSet proxy to add logging.ResultSetType ResultSetWrapper ResultType This annotation can be used when a @Select method is using a ResultHandler.ReuseExecutor RoutingStatementHandler RowBounds RuntimeSqlException ScheduledCache ScriptingException ScriptRunner This is an internal testing utility.
You are welcome to use this class for your own purposes,
but if there is some feature/enhancement you need for your own usage,
please make and modify your own copy instead of sending us an enhancement request.Select The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving record(s).Select.List The container annotation forSelect
.SelectBuilder Deprecated. Use theSQL
ClassSelectKey The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving a key value.SelectKey.List The container annotation forSelectKey
.SelectKeyGenerator SelectProvider The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for retrieving record(s).SelectProvider.List The container annotation forSelectProvider
.SerialFilterChecker SerializedCache SerializedCache.CustomObjectInputStream SetFieldInvoker SetSqlNode ShortTypeHandler Signature The annotation that indicate the method signature.SimpleExecutor SimpleStatementHandler SimpleTypeRegistry Slf4jImpl SoftCache Soft Reference cache decorator Thanks to Dr.SQL SqlBuilder Deprecated. Use theSQL
ClassSqlCommandType SqlDateTypeHandler SqlNode SqlRunner SqlSession The primary Java interface for working with MyBatis.SqlSessionException SqlSessionFactory Creates anSqlSession
out of a connection or a DataSourceSqlSessionFactoryBuilder BuildsSqlSession
instances.SqlSessionManager SqlSource Represents the content of a mapped statement read from an XML file or an annotation.SqlSourceBuilder SqlTimestampTypeHandler SqlTimeTypeHandler SqlxmlTypeHandler ConvertString
.StatementHandler StatementLogger Statement proxy to add logging.StatementType StatementUtil Utility forStatement
.StaticSqlSource StaticTextSqlNode StdOutImpl StringTypeHandler SynchronizedCache SystemMetaObject TextSqlNode TimeOnlyTypeHandler TokenHandler TooManyResultsException Transaction Wraps a database connection.TransactionalCache The 2nd level cache transactional buffer.TransactionalCacheManager TransactionException TransactionFactory CreatesTransaction
instances.TransactionIsolationLevel TrimSqlNode TypeAliasRegistry TypeDiscriminator The annotation that be grouping conditional mapping definitions.TypeException TypeHandler<T> TypeHandlerRegistry TypeParameterResolver TypeReference<T> References a generic type.UnknownTypeHandler UnpooledDataSource UnpooledDataSourceFactory Update The annotation that specify an SQL for updating record(s).Update.List The container annotation forUpdate
.UpdateProvider The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for updating record(s).UpdateProvider.List The container annotation forUpdateProvider
.UsesJava7 Indicates that the element uses Java 7 API.UsesJava8 Indicates that the element uses Java 8 API.VarDeclSqlNode VendorDatabaseIdProvider Vendor DatabaseId provider.VFS Provides a very simple API for accessing resources within an application server.WeakCache Weak Reference cache decorator.WhereSqlNode WriteReplaceInterface XMLConfigBuilder XMLIncludeTransformer XMLLanguageDriver XMLMapperBuilder XMLMapperEntityResolver Offline entity resolver for the MyBatis DTDs.XMLScriptBuilder XMLStatementBuilder XNode XPathParser YearMonthTypeHandler Type Handler forYearMonth
.YearTypeHandler ZonedDateTimeTypeHandler