View Javadoc
1   /*
2    *    Copyright 2009-2021 the original author or authors.
3    *
4    *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *    limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.apache.ibatis.parsing;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.List;
20  import java.util.Map;
21  import java.util.Properties;
22  import java.util.function.Supplier;
24  import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
25  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
26  import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
27  import org.w3c.dom.Node;
28  import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
30  /**
31   * @author Clinton Begin
32   */
33  public class XNode {
35    private final Node node;
36    private final String name;
37    private final String body;
38    private final Properties attributes;
39    private final Properties variables;
40    private final XPathParser xpathParser;
42    public XNode(XPathParser xpathParser, Node node, Properties variables) {
43      this.xpathParser = xpathParser;
44      this.node = node;
45 = node.getNodeName();
46      this.variables = variables;
47      this.attributes = parseAttributes(node);
48      this.body = parseBody(node);
49    }
51    public XNode newXNode(Node node) {
52      return new XNode(xpathParser, node, variables);
53    }
55    public XNode getParent() {
56      Node parent = node.getParentNode();
57      if (!(parent instanceof Element)) {
58        return null;
59      } else {
60        return new XNode(xpathParser, parent, variables);
61      }
62    }
64    public String getPath() {
65      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
66      Node current = node;
67      while (current instanceof Element) {
68        if (current != node) {
69          builder.insert(0, "/");
70        }
71        builder.insert(0, current.getNodeName());
72        current = current.getParentNode();
73      }
74      return builder.toString();
75    }
77    public String getValueBasedIdentifier() {
78      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
79      XNode current = this;
80      while (current != null) {
81        if (current != this) {
82          builder.insert(0, "_");
83        }
84        String value = current.getStringAttribute("id",
85            current.getStringAttribute("value",
86                current.getStringAttribute("property", (String) null)));
87        if (value != null) {
88          value = value.replace('.', '_');
89          builder.insert(0, "]");
90          builder.insert(0,
91              value);
92          builder.insert(0, "[");
93        }
94        builder.insert(0, current.getName());
95        current = current.getParent();
96      }
97      return builder.toString();
98    }
100   public String evalString(String expression) {
101     return xpathParser.evalString(node, expression);
102   }
104   public Boolean evalBoolean(String expression) {
105     return xpathParser.evalBoolean(node, expression);
106   }
108   public Double evalDouble(String expression) {
109     return xpathParser.evalDouble(node, expression);
110   }
112   public List<XNode> evalNodes(String expression) {
113     return xpathParser.evalNodes(node, expression);
114   }
116   public XNode evalNode(String expression) {
117     return xpathParser.evalNode(node, expression);
118   }
120   public Node getNode() {
121     return node;
122   }
124   public String getName() {
125     return name;
126   }
128   public String getStringBody() {
129     return getStringBody(null);
130   }
132   public String getStringBody(String def) {
133     return body == null ? def : body;
134   }
136   public Boolean getBooleanBody() {
137     return getBooleanBody(null);
138   }
140   public Boolean getBooleanBody(Boolean def) {
141     return body == null ? def : Boolean.valueOf(body);
142   }
144   public Integer getIntBody() {
145     return getIntBody(null);
146   }
148   public Integer getIntBody(Integer def) {
149     return body == null ? def : Integer.valueOf(body);
150   }
152   public Long getLongBody() {
153     return getLongBody(null);
154   }
156   public Long getLongBody(Long def) {
157     return body == null ? def : Long.valueOf(body);
158   }
160   public Double getDoubleBody() {
161     return getDoubleBody(null);
162   }
164   public Double getDoubleBody(Double def) {
165     return body == null ? def : Double.valueOf(body);
166   }
168   public Float getFloatBody() {
169     return getFloatBody(null);
170   }
172   public Float getFloatBody(Float def) {
173     return body == null ? def : Float.valueOf(body);
174   }
176   public <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumAttribute(Class<T> enumType, String name) {
177     return getEnumAttribute(enumType, name, null);
178   }
180   public <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumAttribute(Class<T> enumType, String name, T def) {
181     String value = getStringAttribute(name);
182     return value == null ? def : Enum.valueOf(enumType,value);
183   }
185   /**
186    * Return a attribute value as String.
187    *
188    * <p>
189    * If attribute value is absent, return value that provided from supplier of default value.
190    *
191    * @param name
192    *          attribute name
193    * @param defSupplier
194    *          a supplier of default value
195    * @return the string attribute
196    * @since 3.5.4
197    */
198   public String getStringAttribute(String name, Supplier<String> defSupplier) {
199     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
200     return value == null ? defSupplier.get() : value;
201   }
203   public String getStringAttribute(String name) {
204     return getStringAttribute(name, (String) null);
205   }
207   public String getStringAttribute(String name, String def) {
208     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
209     return value == null ? def : value;
210   }
212   public Boolean getBooleanAttribute(String name) {
213     return getBooleanAttribute(name, null);
214   }
216   public Boolean getBooleanAttribute(String name, Boolean def) {
217     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
218     return value == null ? def : Boolean.valueOf(value);
219   }
221   public Integer getIntAttribute(String name) {
222     return getIntAttribute(name, null);
223   }
225   public Integer getIntAttribute(String name, Integer def) {
226     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
227     return value == null ? def : Integer.valueOf(value);
228   }
230   public Long getLongAttribute(String name) {
231     return getLongAttribute(name, null);
232   }
234   public Long getLongAttribute(String name, Long def) {
235     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
236     return value == null ? def : Long.valueOf(value);
237   }
239   public Double getDoubleAttribute(String name) {
240     return getDoubleAttribute(name, null);
241   }
243   public Double getDoubleAttribute(String name, Double def) {
244     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
245     return value == null ? def : Double.valueOf(value);
246   }
248   public Float getFloatAttribute(String name) {
249     return getFloatAttribute(name, null);
250   }
252   public Float getFloatAttribute(String name, Float def) {
253     String value = attributes.getProperty(name);
254     return value == null ? def : Float.valueOf(value);
255   }
257   public List<XNode> getChildren() {
258     List<XNode> children = new ArrayList<>();
259     NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes();
260     if (nodeList != null) {
261       for (int i = 0, n = nodeList.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
262         Node node = nodeList.item(i);
263         if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
264           children.add(new XNode(xpathParser, node, variables));
265         }
266       }
267     }
268     return children;
269   }
271   public Properties getChildrenAsProperties() {
272     Properties properties = new Properties();
273     for (XNode child : getChildren()) {
274       String name = child.getStringAttribute("name");
275       String value = child.getStringAttribute("value");
276       if (name != null && value != null) {
277         properties.setProperty(name, value);
278       }
279     }
280     return properties;
281   }
283   @Override
284   public String toString() {
285     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
286     toString(builder, 0);
287     return builder.toString();
288   }
290   private void toString(StringBuilder builder, int level) {
291     builder.append("<");
292     builder.append(name);
293     for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
294       builder.append(" ");
295       builder.append(entry.getKey());
296       builder.append("=\"");
297       builder.append(entry.getValue());
298       builder.append("\"");
299     }
300     List<XNode> children = getChildren();
301     if (!children.isEmpty()) {
302       builder.append(">\n");
303       for (XNode child : children) {
304         indent(builder, level + 1);
305         child.toString(builder, level + 1);
306       }
307       indent(builder, level);
308       builder.append("</");
309       builder.append(name);
310       builder.append(">");
311     } else if (body != null) {
312       builder.append(">");
313       builder.append(body);
314       builder.append("</");
315       builder.append(name);
316       builder.append(">");
317     } else {
318       builder.append("/>");
319       indent(builder, level);
320     }
321     builder.append("\n");
322   }
324   private void indent(StringBuilder builder, int level) {
325     for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
326       builder.append("    ");
327     }
328   }
330   private Properties parseAttributes(Node n) {
331     Properties attributes = new Properties();
332     NamedNodeMap attributeNodes = n.getAttributes();
333     if (attributeNodes != null) {
334       for (int i = 0; i < attributeNodes.getLength(); i++) {
335         Node attribute = attributeNodes.item(i);
336         String value = PropertyParser.parse(attribute.getNodeValue(), variables);
337         attributes.put(attribute.getNodeName(), value);
338       }
339     }
340     return attributes;
341   }
343   private String parseBody(Node node) {
344     String data = getBodyData(node);
345     if (data == null) {
346       NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
347       for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
348         Node child = children.item(i);
349         data = getBodyData(child);
350         if (data != null) {
351           break;
352         }
353       }
354     }
355     return data;
356   }
358   private String getBodyData(Node child) {
359     if (child.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
360         || child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
361       String data = ((CharacterData) child).getData();
362       data = PropertyParser.parse(data, variables);
363       return data;
364     }
365     return null;
366   }
368 }